The new year is almost upon us and we’ve been very busy at the farm getting ready for next season. We are happy to announce that we are currently taking applications for the 2009 CSA Program. One share will cost $550 which if broken down, comes out to roughly $21 per week. The 2009 CSA program runs for 26 weeks starting in April. The start date is not set in stone. Weather conditions and other factors not within our control may delay the first harvests. Please click on the Our CSA Program link to the right to learn more about our CSA. We have three payment options to choose from. Our CSA members will have three pick up locations to choose from as well which are Charlotte Tailgate Market, Belmont Fresh Market, and the farm in Dallas. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 704-813-9283 or by email at
We are also pleased to announce that we will be a vendor at the Charlotte Tailgate Market for the 2009 season.