Common App Early Decision Agreement 2019

The Common Application Early Decision Agreement for 2019: What You Need to Know

For high school seniors looking to apply to college, the Common Application is a popular choice. With over 800 member institutions, the Common App simplifies the application process by allowing students to fill out one application and send it to multiple colleges. One aspect of the Common App that some students may not be aware of is the Early Decision agreement. Let`s take a closer look at what this agreement entails for the 2019 application cycle.

What is Early Decision?

Early Decision (ED) is a binding agreement between a student and a college. Students who apply ED to a school are indicating that they are committed to attending that institution if accepted. In return, the college promises to provide an admissions decision earlier than the regular decision deadline. ED is often used by students who have a clear first-choice college and are willing to forego the chance to compare financial aid packages from different institutions.

What is the Early Decision agreement?

When a student applies ED through the Common App, they are required to sign the Early Decision agreement. This agreement is a legally binding contract between the student, the parent/guardian, and the college. By signing the agreement, the student agrees to attend the college if accepted, to withdraw all other applications, and to decline any other offers of admission or financial aid. The student and parent/guardian also agree to the terms of the agreement, which includes acknowledging that ED is a serious commitment that should not be taken lightly.

What are the benefits of Early Decision?

There are several benefits to applying Early Decision through the Common App. The most obvious is the chance to receive an admissions decision earlier than the regular decision deadline. This can alleviate stress for students who are anxious about the college application process. Additionally, some colleges offer a higher acceptance rate for ED applicants than for regular decision applicants. Finally, applying ED can demonstrate a student`s strong interest in a particular college, which can be a factor in the admissions decision.

What are the drawbacks of Early Decision?

While there are certainly benefits to applying ED, there are also some drawbacks to consider. The most significant is the binding agreement, which means that the student is obligated to attend the college if accepted. This can be a problem if the student`s financial situation changes between the time they apply ED and the time they receive their financial aid package. Additionally, ED can limit a student`s ability to compare financial aid packages from different institutions. Finally, some students may feel rushed or pressured to make a decision about their future before they are ready.


The Common Application Early Decision agreement for 2019 is a serious commitment that students should carefully consider before applying. While there are benefits to applying ED, there are also some drawbacks that should be taken into account. Students who are confident in their first-choice college and willing to forego the chance to compare financial aid packages may find that ED is the right choice for them. However, it`s important to remember that ED is not for everyone, and students should only apply if they are truly committed to attending the college if accepted.


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